sabato 24 dicembre 2016

Meeting of Focolare Men Religious

Un incontro tanto atteso

I giovani religiosi dell’Africa

Un gruppo di giovani religiosi riprende il cammino dell’Unità

A Nairobi, nella Mariapoli “Piero”, dall’8 al 12 dicembre si è svolto un incontro per giovani religiosi dell’Africa. Previsto da tempo, questo incontro è stato annunciato a tanti attraverso un invito. Alla fine i partecipanti che la Madonna ha mandato sono stati questi e la maggior parte sono giovani studenti: Bro. Leo van de Weijer, CMM, Bro. Philemon Ontonchi Ratemo, CMM, Sem. Albert Mugisha, AJ, Sem. Liberty de Paul Muzaale, AJ, Sem. Egidio Ayella, AJ, Sem. Christopher Mananu, AJ, Sem. Dominiko Niyoikiiza, AJ, Sem. Sixtus Wanagoli, AJ, Fr. Eusebio Manangbao, SVD, Celso Corbioli, OMI (Guinea Bissau), John Marconcini, IMC (Italy). Il programma, visto tra Leo van de Weijer e Giovanni Marconcini, ripercorreva gli argomenti dell’Opera di Maria (Gesù Abbandonato, un aggiornamento sull’Opera. La realtà dell’Opera in Africa, la vita di unità). 

Alla fine l'incontro è stato molto bello e profondo. La collaborazione con i focolarini straordinaria. L'ultimo giorno buona parte della Mariapoli si è incontrata con loro per lo scambio di esperienze. In questi giovani si è visto un nuovo inizio per l’Africa. Infatti, i giovani religiosi hanno voluto continuare ad incontrarsi per andare in profondità nella spiritualità e hanno già fissato la data per il prossimo incontro. Inoltre, hanno voluto formare un gruppo WhatsApp. Questo nuovo inizio ha lo scopo di portare il carisma dell’Unità ai giovani religiosi in Africa.

Ringraziamo il Signore e la Madonna della Luce (bianca), a cui è dedicata la bellissima nuova Chiesa della Mariapoli Piero.

Qui di seguito viene riportata in dettaglio la cronaca di questi momenti vissuti da questo gruppo di giovani religiosi.

Meeting of Focolare Men Religious
Mariapolis Piero in Juja Nairobi, December 8-12, 2016

Those in attendance are the following:
Bro. Leo van de Weijer, CMM, Bro. Philemon Ontonchi Ratemo, CMM, Sem. Albert Mugisha, AJ, Sem. Liberty de Paul Muzaale, AJ, Sem. Egidio Ayella, AJ, Sem. Christopher Mananu, AJ, Sem. Dominiko Niyoikiiza, AJ, Sem. Sixtus Wanagoli, AJ, Fr. Eusebio Manangbao, SVD, Celso Corbioli, OMI (Guinea Bissau), John Marconcini, IMC (Italy)

December 8, 2016 (Thursday)
The meeting started with an evening prayer taken from the Feast of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There are eleven Religious in the group coming from five Religious and Missionary Congregations like the CMM, AJ, SVD, OMI and IMC. After the evening prayer, Bro. Leo welcomed the group then followed by inviting the members to introduce themselves. As an introduction, he read a verse from the book entitled Essential Writings by Chiara Lubich. He made emphasis on the point about Love and Jesus Forsaken. Other points that he presented were Charism of Unity, Jesus Forsaken and the contributions of various charisms of the growth of the Church.

December 9, 2016 (Friday)
Community Holy Mass celebration at the main Church at 7 AM. Main celebrant being Fr. Eusebio Manangbao with concelebrants being Frs. John Marconcini and Celso Corbioli.

The morning session started at 9 o’clock. The December 2016 copy of the Word of Life was handed down to all in the group. Bro. Leo invited the group members to take turn in reading aloud the paragraphs from the Word of Life leaflet and then followed by different reflections. He shared the importance of having words of meditation to practice in each day by the use of the dice, called
the cube of love. He threw the dice and what came out was the statement: I make myself one with the other.
Bro. Leo gave his reflection emphasizing on the importance of living the Word (Jesus). He shared about the virtue of Love and Unity, which is the big challenge that his Congregation is experiencing, and so he accepted his election becoming the Provincial Superior of his Congregation. He is convinced that he has a big role in restoring unity in his Congregation.
The other members also shared their experiences based on the theme of the Word of Life December 2016 issue ‘He will come and save you’ (Isa. 35:4) One said that….everything is possible, not to worry as long as it is for Jesus forsaken. Another one shared his experience of anger turning to joy effected from his experience of seeing brilliant light in the form of an image of a human being. One shared his experience of frustration when what he wanted, was not granted, but manage to love and like it in the end. The experience of fear and anger resulted from a close encounter with the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). Then, another experience of Police harassment and the ability to forgive.
In the second part of the morning, Encounter with Chiara Lubich via a video presentation. Two Focolarinas named Marita (Italian) and Selma (Dutch) joined the group for a talk and sharing on CHIARA LUBICH, the Foundres of Focolare. Introductions was made and after all have introduced themselves, a video on the life of Chiara was shown. Emphasis on Love and on Unity. That they may be one. Chiara’s full consecration to God. “Give yourself to me”.
Information was that, the process for the Beatification of Chiara Lubich has started.
Based from the video presentation, some shared their reflections: one said, “I feel this is vocation”.  Then another shared by connecting to the importance of the Word of God and said, live by the Word and nourished by the Word. There is the need to start again as commented by another member.
Marita sum up by saying…doing the will of God with the small things. Being attentive to the other. Putting God first despite of being too busy.
In the first session of the afternoon, Fr. John Marconcini presented  topic called A colorful life. Love itself incarnated in Jesus. In his day to day life, he was always love: he loved while he was preaching, walking, eating, praying, curing the sick. Whatever we do in life can be summarized into seven aspects, like the seven colors of the rainbow, into seven aspect of love. Fr. John told us about his experience, while he was working as spiritual director in St Paul College with 190 priests, coming from 60 countries of the world. He prepared a brochure about seven suggestions for an orderly priestly life. The priests appreciated that brochure so much, that they translated it in many languages. Then he made a comparison: as the white light, can be divided into seven colors (at night all the colors disappear), so love can incarnate itself into seven aspects. They are:
-              Sharing of material and spiritual good (red)
-              Apostolate, Irradiation, evangelization (orange)
-              Prayer, Union with God, the spirituality of a charism (yellow) –
-              Physical and spiritual health (green)
-              Harmony and tidiness, assembly, housing (blue)
-              Study/Wisdom/Science (indigo)
-              Communication, social media, etc.
The body cannot function well if one of the parts or member is not cooperating or malfunctioning. A healthy body requires that all the parts and members are also healthy.
So all the aspects, being love, function always in unity. When a color is missing, the harmony fails.
As a practical exercise, the seven aspects (colors) have been distributed among the group members, for the harmonious functioning of our meeting:
Red: Fr. Celso and Albert
Orange: all
Yellow: Egidio and Dominiko
Green: Fr. John & Liberty
Blue: Philemon and Sixtus
Violet: Christopher and Fr. Eusebio
Indigo: Bro. Leo, Fr. John and Fr. Celso
After the presentation of Fr. John, a Focolarina named Annie from Brussels joined the group for another sharing. After sharing about her life’s story and her story of joining the Focolare movement, she explained the Art of Loving in four points:
-              We must love others as we love ourselves.
-              To love everyone
-              To be the first to love
-              To make ourselves one with the others

In the second part of the afternoon, Fr. Celso Corbioli started his presentation by sharing some points about Chiara’s connection or relation to the Franciscan Friars Minors Capuchins, being herself a member of the Third Order. Chiara’s former name is Sylvia. Her being a member of the Third Order of the OFM Cap introduced her to a stronger and deeper spirituality.
In 1949, Chiara had a vision of the Religious and Focolarini/Focolarine together in Paradise. Then the question was raised, “Why can’t religious come together as one and live in unity”.
Fr. Celso made a strong emphasis that, our spirituality should help us to live together. Spirituality of the movement help us to put things right. In the hospital, the patients are the masters. What the patients needed must be given them. He made mention of the Daughters of Charity founded by St. Vincent de Paul.
“If the movement is not spread by you, who will spread it? Never give up”. A comment of encouragement from Fr. John.

December 10, 2016 (Saturday)
Celebration of the Holy Mass at 7 o’clock at the main Church. Fr. John Marconcini as the main celebrant concelebrated by Fr. Celso and Fr. Antonio Bacelar from Portugal.

Giovanna accompanied by one focolarina from Czech Republic facilitated the morning session. She was about explaining a point of the Spirituality of the Focolare Movement when a member of the group asked her how many the points of the Spirituality were. She briefly mentioned the 12 points of Focolare Spirituality: God is love, the will of God, the word of God, love for neighbor, Reciprocal love, Jesus in the Eucharist, Unity (Call to be one), Jesus forsaken, Mary, the Church, the Holy Spirit, Jesus in the midst.
Then she explained that the Spirituality of unity hinges on two fundamental points that Chiara Lubich compares to two sides of a single coin: Jesus in our midst and the secret and Jesus Forsaken. A priest asked Chiara, “At what point did Jesus suffered most?” Chiara replied by saying when Jesus sweat blood at the garden of Gethsemani. However, the priest told her that it was not in that moment, rather it was when Jesus was suffering on the Cross and cried: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Moment of suffering equals moment of loving. That is, when Jesus suffered the most, that’s when he loved us the most. A video was presented, stressing the point.
Some reflections followed:
Fr. Eusebio shared about his beautiful “Towards the Sun” t-shirt that he like most which he gave to his friend who like it much too. Loving and giving till it hurts. (St. Ignatius of Loyola) Furthermore, he quoted St. Mother Teresa who said….I have found the paradox that, if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.
Bro. Leo shared on his being a Provincial Superior at this time of “crisis” in their province. His acceptance of the position and responsibility is his YES to Him.
Fr. John said it well in saying…putting my heart ready to welcome “You” (Jesus Forsaken) in my life ushering in a new day, a new strength. Not letting “You” wait. I come immediately. Not seeing the problems/challenges (devil) but seeing Jesus Forsaken and thus resulting to Love.
Giovanna presented the book, THE CRY by Chiara Lubich.
At tea break, Giovanna offered a wonderful cake, just cooked for us. All enjoyed it

In the second part of the morning was a meeting and sharing with the Gen 2 (Young Members of the Focolare living at the Gen House). They come from countries in the continent like Uganda, Burundi, DRC, Rwanda and Nigeria. After the introductions, the young ladies shared their stories about how they got to know the Focolare Movement. Stories of courage, bravery, and determination. The Gen are now engaged in a project called united world project.

The afternoon was spent in visiting the Citadel starting from the Carpentry Workshop and the store house where the goods are on display and on sale.

During the tea break, Charles, a focolarino who takes care of the contacts with the Religious in Nairobi, tackled the issue of the aspect of the red, or the communion of spiritual and material goods. The topic was followed with interest and responsibility. In fact, at the end of the meeting everybody contributed for the expenses of the meeting, putting in common what he had.

Then the group continued the “tour” of the place by visiting the green house where Fr. Danilo and Eduard and some other Focolarini are living. Fr. Danilo is an Italian priest of 91 years. A veterinary doctor by profession. Eduard is a Nigerian who is now physically limited due to a stroke. Both of them shared their life stories and experiences as Focolarini.
In the evening at 8 o’clock was a video presentation of Blessed Chiara “Luce” Badano.
Ivan from Brazil did the presentation and showing of the video of the life of this young Italian teenager who is currently in the process of being pronounced a saint by the Roman Catholic Church. At age nine, she joined the Focolare Movement and received the nickname “Luce” by the founder Chiara Lubich.
Yes to God means no more turning back.

December 11, 2016 (Sunday)
Holy Mass celebration at 8 o’clock presided by Fr. John Marconcini.

Henri Ireri, a Kenyan focolarino, facilitated the sharing. The usual introductions was made and then followed by his sharing of his experiences leading him to become a member of the Focolare movement. His presentation and sharing was focused on Mary. 
Points of his sharing are: the Annunciation, the visit to Elizabeth, the birth of Jesus, the presentation of Jesus, the moment of suffering in Egypt, the lost and finding of Jesus in the temple and the public life of Jesus. He concluded by saying that Mary remains our model and our way. Fr. Celso commented by saying, we can understand Mary if we live like her.
Bro. Leo said, the work of Mary is to bring Jesus to the world and we should bring Jesus to the people so that we can be like Mary.
The afternoon sharing was presented by Bro. Leo on the theme, Jesus in the Midst. He quoted Mt. 18:20, which Chiara took it seriously. “where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst.” To grow in mutual love is to offer and endure suffering. Children of one family must love one another.
Bro. Leo concluded the program in the afternoon by saying, “our task is to keep our chastity and this is the love we are having. Jesus, I know you because I love you. You rejoice with those who are rejoicing, mourn with those who are mourning.”
The meeting was concluded by setting and agreeing on the date, place and week for the next meeting, which will be always on the second Saturdays of the month for two hours in the afternoon at Apostles of Jesus Seminary starting in January 2017.
A game of football followed.
After supper, we gathered with all the members of the Citadel for a sharing of varous experiences. Very interesting were those of Fr. John, Bro. Leo, Fr. Leo and Fr. Eusebio.

December 12, 2016 (Monday)
The 7 o’clock Holy Mass was presided by Fr. Eusebio and concelebrated by Frs. John and Celso.
The concluding meeting began with a short video in which Chiara answered a question of a Hindu professor during the Christian-Hindu Symposium, promoted by the Focolare Movement, about Jesus Forsaken.
An evaluation from each group member regarding the three days meeting followed. Each  one was requested to write his impression and share it in the group. The evaluation papers were given to Albert Mugisha and eventually they will be sent to all the members of the group via email. Finally the group agreed to form a WhatsApp group with the name Jamhuri Gen-Re so that  they may continue to communicate.  
Morning meeting ended at 10 o’clock, followed by group pictorials and the signing of the THANK YOU cards for the Focolarini and Focolarine of the Mariapolis Piero.

Prepared by:
Frt. Christopher Mananu, AJ, 
Fr. Eusebio Manangbao, SVD

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